Case Study: Driving Success

BeDa Fahrschule's Citizen Developer Journey with the Microsoft Power Platform


BeDa Fahrschule, based in Weinfelden, Switzerland, offers a range of services including driver education, motorcycle training, truck driving school, and first aid courses. The company owner embarked on an inspiring journey to develop exceptional skills as a citizen developer for the Microsoft Power Platform.

Several years ago, the owner developed a solution using Microsoft Access to manage the driving school's operations. However, with the team predominantly working remotely, the necessity for an accessible tool from anywhere became apparent. This prompted the creation of a solution using the Microsoft Power Platform, with us from WinOn365 providing guidance and coaching throughout the process.

Leveraging the Power of the Microsoft Power Platform

The Microsoft Power Platform had a profound impact on BeDa Fahrschule's daily operations. By utilizing Microsoft Dataverse and Model Driven Apps, the company owner empowered the driving school to efficiently use essential functions like student records, driver permits, billing, payments, and price and offer management. The Microsoft Power Platform offered a flexible and user-friendly environment, where all data is centralized, enabling seamless access from anywhere using mobile devices and ensuring up-to-date information for customers.

Effortless Document Generation and Distribution

Automated Document Generation and Distribution

Using Microsoft Power Automate Cloud Flows with Word Online services

One of the significant advantages of the Microsoft Power Platform is its integration with other Microsoft services, such as Word Online services to enable instant document generation for billing and subscriptions. These documents are sent automatically to the customers, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process. By automating this aspect, BeDa Fahrschule saved valuable time and resources while enhancing customer service.

Continued Growth and Expansion

With the Microsoft Power Platform, BeDa Fahrschule has achieved a remarkable growth and efficiency in their day-to-day operations. BeDa Fahrschule enhances the solution independently, with guidance from WinOn365. The next module in development is a student progress tracker and driving exam preparation guide. This next steps highlight the empowering nature of the platform, enabling BeDa Fahrschule to drive their business forward with increased effectiveness and productivity.


BeDa Fahrschule's success story demonstrates how the Microsoft Power Platform has transformed their driving school management. By utilizing tools like Microsoft Dataverse, Model Driven Apps, Microsoft Power Automate Cloud Flows, and Word Online Services, they achieved efficiency, remote accessibility, and streamlined processes. The owner's rapid skill development as a Microsoft Power Platform citizen developer showcases the power of the low-code platform. BeDa Fahrschule's journey inspires others to embrace the first steps with the Microsoft Power Platform and embark their own path to success.


News: Flow associations available in the Power Automate Portal for Power Platform environments in region Switzerland


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